Eat today. Forget tomorrow. People have levied this instant gratification mentality upon themselves for as long as the memory can remember. Why? Though. The answer is apparent: poverty and lack of opportunities.
The majority of people that make up our society have always been worried about making ends meet for immediate needs. One can’t blame the former for such cautious nature.
The advent of social media and mobile technology has made it possible for previously disadvantaged people to take more risks without breaking their backs in their quest of struggle to progress.
Recent changes to the global economy have made society realize that people can conduct their work and life virtually, independent of location. The global crash of major stock exchanges in March 2020 depicted the transformed global financial markets with the onset of COVID.
COVID forced the world to play the long game. Why? Simple. Put out the fires today; build a castle to claim the sectors and markets tomorrow, to gain a sustaining edge.
The tech industry’s Goliaths saw unprecedented growth, primarily driven by the global pandemic-induced surge of people wanting to acquire work, and life necessities, through online means.
Let’s leave with this thought. Short-term thinking means for something and keeping the lights on. However, long-term thinking keeps the soul and dreams alive.
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash